How to learn typing on the US standard 101 keyboard known as a Qwerty keyboard.

A part of PowerTyping, an online typing tutorial focusing on learning how to type on a QWERTY. Why is the keyboard called QWERTY? Pay attention to your keyboard. The forth row from the bottom starting from the left edge reads QWERTY.
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The US Standard 101 Keyboard
  • `
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 0
  • -
  • =
  • Backspace
  • Tab
  • Q
  • W
  • E
  • R
  • T
  • Y
  • U
  • I
  • O
  • P
  • {
  • }
  • |
  • Caps
  • A
  • S
  • D
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • ;
  • "
  • Enter
  • Shift
  • Z
  • X
  • C
  • V
  • B
  • N
  • M
  • <
  • >
  • ?
  • Shift
  • Space bar - use right hand thumb
  • Keys of one color are typed by corresponding home row key finger. For example, left hand little finger is over the home row key A and handles all the keys of the same color: A, Z, Q, 1, backtick, Tab, Caps, Shift.

Home row keys:

Left hand home row keys are A, S, D, F
A -little finger
S -ring finger
D -middle finger
F -forefinger
Right hand home row keys are J, K, L, ;
J -forefinger
K -middle finger
L -ring finger
 ;  -little finger

Thumbs of both hands are on the space bar.

About home row keys

Home row keys of a keyboard are keys over which your hands are positioned. There are home row keys assigned to each hand. From a home row key reach to a key to type and return back to the home row key. Home row keys are your base from where to reach out and return to. Usually one of home row keys, one for each hand, has a little dent which lets you feel that your fingers are correctly positioned over the keyboard.

Capital keys

To type a single capital letter press and hold down a shift key and press the desired letter. To type more capitals press the Caps Lock key and continue typing. All letters will appear in upper caps. Note if you type capital letter with shift key and Caps Lock on it will be typed in lower case. To turn Caps Lock off press it again. Keyboards have usually built in a light which lets you know if your Caps Lock is on or off.


Strive to type with even rhythm. Even rhythm will rid you of tension, anxiety and will minimize mistakes made. Besides, if you slow down to achieve even rhythm you will in effect speed up.


Acceptable number of typing errors is one error per minute regardless of how fast you type.


Wpm stands for words per minute typing rate. A word is consider to be 5 key strokes including spaces. If you type 50 key strokes per minute your typing rate is 10 wpm.

What finger types what key

For the left hand, forefinger is on the F key, middle finger on the D key, ring finger on the S and pinky on the A key. For the right hand, forefinger is on the J key, middle finger on the K, ring finger on the L key and pinky on the ; key. One of the home row keys for each hand has a small dent on it to help anchor hands correctly on the keyboard. One can imagine a line running through a home row key up through two rows and down one row. Keys falling on this line are operated by finger assigned to this home row key. For example, left hand ring finger operates all keys along such imaginary line going through home row key S, up which is W key, next row up digit 2 key and down C key. All fingers operates along such imaginary lines. In addition to that, forefingers operate one extra line toward middle of the keyboard which goes through the G key for the left hand and through the H key for the right hand. Pinkies are busy. The left hand pinky operates keys falling on the imaginary line going through the home row key A and also remaining keys to the left. The right hand pinky operates keys falling on the imaginary line going through the home row key ; and all keys to the right.

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